Thursday, June 5, 2014

Our Next Journey...

Ever since my older son was young, he has had stomach problems.  I remember when he was two years old and severely constipated.  He'd get awful rashes that would last for weeks that would make everything worse.  Doctor after doctor would prescribe something different for those rashes until the day one doctor took a look at it and said it was the result of a yeast infection.  I had to drag him to the base hospital and the doctors would squeeze him in to a giant plastic tube so they could x-ray his poor stomach.  He would have to be on laxatives or I'd have to use infant enemas to help move things along.  All of this before he was three.

For the next eleven years he would be plagued with problems.  Usually the doctors prescribe Miralax for a week and tell him he needs to eat more fruits and vegetables.  The problem?  He is without a doubt one of the pickiest (not to mention weirdest!) eaters ever.  I'd say 9 times out of 10 he puts whatever he's eating in some sort of bread product.  Well the past few years his poop manages to clog the toilets no matter where we live.  Florida toilets?  Clogged.  Georgia toilets?  Clogged.  Ohio toilets?  Clogged.  He has gas that can clear the room.  Heaven forbid you ever get stuck in a car with him.  Noxious I tell you.  Last YEAR I brought this to the attention of his PCM (Primary Care Manager) and she lectured him on eating better.  We tried Miralax.  After a few months she finally ordered an x-ray of his abdomen.  I got a call from the nurse - His entire colon was completely full.  She must have asked me at least half a dozen times if I was sure he wasn't in any pain because based on the x-ray he should have been in intense pain.  Plan of attack:  Three day Miralax cleanse.  Miralax 4 times a day before noon.  Lots of water.  Be sure not to go too far from home.  Stock on on toilet paper.  Be sure he has reading material in the bathroom.  Coordinate with school so he has unrestricted bathroom privileges because he would need to stay on the Miralax indefinitely.  If his problems have been around since he was two there is a chance his colon will take about ten years to shrink back to normal size.  Follow up x-ray in 6 weeks.

Six weeks later we report to the hospital for his follow up x-ray and appointment with his PCM.  Everyone is shocked that his colon is STILL full.  PCM is not sure what else to do so we are referred to the Gastroenterology department at Dayton Children's Hospital.  Luckily we don't have to wait long for an appointment.  So I grab him and his x-rays and we head for his appointment there.  They review it, they talk to him, they put him on a "colonoscopy cleanse" - 8 capfuls of Miralax with 64 ounces of Gatorade along with two doses of Dulcolax followed by daily doses of Miralax and sennasides until his follow up in six weeks.  They also ordered labwork to check for thyroid problems and Celiac disease.  We head on down to the lab, they take his blood, and we head home.

A few days later I get a call - the blood tests came back positive for Celiac.  They are referring him to the Pediatric Gastroenterologist for an EGD to obtain samples for a biopsy to confirm diagnosis.  According to WebMD: 

A small intestinal biopsy is performed with an esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD). During an EGD, the doctor inserts a long, flexible viewing endoscope through the mouth and into the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine, which is connected to the stomach). A long, flexible biopsy instrument then can be passed through a small channel in the endoscope to obtain samples of the intestinal lining of the duodenum. A pathologist evaluates the tissue samples for loss of villi and other characteristics of celiac disease, such as an increased number of lymphocytes.

Once again we are able to schedule the appointment quickly and we wind up back at Dayton Children's later the following week.  The day after his 14th birthday to be exact.  I didn't want him freaking out so I just told him that they needed to check his stomach because they suspect he might be sensitive to gluten.  The procedure goes fine and the doctor gives me photos and tells me that based on what he saw, he will be shocked if the biopsy does NOT confirm a Celiac diagnosis.

About 5 days later the phone call came and it was confirmed - Celiac Disease. 

We will be meeting with the doctor and a nutritionist later this week.  My mind is already spinning at what this means.  While going gluten-free is a huge undertaking, I am so hopeful at the thought that this might help with so many of his problems.  His moodiness, his ADHD, skin/nail problems, sleep issues, headaches, and so much more. 

Infographic courtesy of
I know it won't be an easy journey so I expect this blog and my postings to pick up dramatically as a way for me to not only cope but to also track our journey. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


And it's HERE!  We are ready to launch MAMA FIERCE!

My amazing friend and coach, Leah, has created this support group to help other mothers learn how to do the tough work when it comes to caring for themselves and their families. Together we will be tackling issues such as; nutrition, physical activity, stress relief, body image, self-love and whatever else may come up in our private Facebook group. This is all about YOU! This is a COMPASSIONATE and SAFE environment where we will encourage and love each other, never judging where another woman is at or the struggles she may face.

I am asked all the time how I get my kids to eat healthy, how I manage to eat healthy, how I find the time to exercise, how I keep a positive mindset, how I manage to keep my sanity when my husband is gone, how I handle my household while being a stay-at-home mom who is never home, and to be honest with you it's tough. I have my days where I feel like I'm just never going to get it together, it seems like I have no control over anything, and I wonder what the heck I’m doing wrong. What I have come to realize is that no matter how perfect someone else’s life may seem it never really is. Everybody struggles behind closed doors. Striving for perfection is going to get you NOWHERE. Taking care of yourself is an ongoing process.  It’s not something you do for a day or two and then life magically becomes full of sunshine and rainbows. I make mistakes too, sometimes big ones. Sometimes I let myself sit a little too long in a funk and life is never pretty then. Crazy things come up that are beyond my control, usually all at once (because that's how it works right?) My life is not a shining example of the "ultimate dream" and I'm not where I want to be. But I AM on my way and I WILL get there.

The past few years have been difficult but through it all I've learned a TON about what it takes to pull myself out of a bad funk and get myself in gear. I've learned how to make myself a priority.  I’m not going to lie – it was hard at first!  I was so used to putting everyone else before myself.  Then I learned to say “I deserve some time for me!” and in the end it always works out favorably not only for myself, but for my family as well.  Most importantly, I've learned how to be authentically me and let go of the fear of what others may think.  Okay maybe I'm still working on that one a little bit.  😂

Our Mama Fierce team has taken all of our experiences and combined them with tips for promoting a healthy body image and a good relationship with food in your children, and we’re offering it in a 30-day course. You also get a workout program, an organic super food shake equal to one meal a day, and the support of a community of other moms going through the same thing. Oh, and we’re giving away wicked awesome prizes! Think - summer toys, arts and crafts, kitchen/lunch gear (Lego and FROZEN to be specific!) healthy snacks, organic teas and coffee, aromatherapy bubble bath, etc.! We’re still adding to the stock so there may be more to come! 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will get to choose their prizes from specific categories and points are awarded based on EFFORT, not weight loss.


About 1 hour per day/4 additional hours per week. Some of this is play time and "me" time and it is NON-NEGOTIABLE!
Willingness to commit for the full 30 days
Willingness to make yourself a priority, knowing that it's for the good of your family
A desire to make positive changes to your family's health habits
A library card

If ANY of these are going to be a problem, then this is not the right course for you. But, if it does sound like something you're interested in, send me a message. We're taking applications until the 15th ONLY.  Spots must be secured by then!  We start on the 23rd of June. And please, if you know a mother who needs a little love and care in her life, share this with her.

I've never met a mother who wasn't FIERCE. You are strong enough just as you are, but sometimes you need a helping hand to realize it. 💕 💕

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