Sunday, March 9, 2014

Natural Easter Eggs

Two years ago I started doing some research in to the Feingold Diet and was slowly becoming aware of what exactly was in our food.  Nowadays when I talk to people about clean eating I am always sure to tell them, “Watch out! As you start reading more and more about this, you might very well go crazy thinking that there is nothing safe to eat!”  I tell them that because I almost did go crazy when I first started really delving in to it all: Monsanto, GMO, carageenan, artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, and so-on and so-on.  I decided that there was no way I could let my children dye Easter eggs with commercially available, artificial egg dye.  After researching it, I wanted to dye our Easter eggs with all natural dyes.  I bought a red onion and filled the bag with all the leftover onion peels, I went through my cupboards and refrigerator looking to see what I could find since I didn’t want to spend a fortune.

I ended up using red onion skins, green tea, black tea, paprika, lemon zest, lime zest, spinach juice (ewww!), and the juice from some pickled beets.  I put the coloring ingredients in boiling water and I think I added at least one tablespoon of vinegar to each bowl.

Green tea resulted in a pretty yellow hue.
Surprisingly enough the pickled beet juice yielded a very pale pink.
Black tea led to a pale brown.
The eggs that were soaked in red onion peels turned a lovely burnt sienna.

Overall I awarded my homemade Easter egg experiment a success.  My younger kids were only 3 and 1 at the time so I think I was more excited then them over the results.  I didn’t get to repeat the experiment last year but I’m hoping to do it again this year with some different ingredients.
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